A340-500/600 Expansion pack for FS2004/FSX (PC DVD)

SKU: ZZZ00552
Release Date: August 31, 2007
Regular price £17.30 inc. VAT
Regular price -42% £29.99 Sale price £17.30 inc. VAT

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Requires Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Flight Simulator X Required to play

Part of Just Flight's new F-Lite range, this A340 package has been specially designed by the experts at Commercial Level Simulations to be very high in quality and yet easy to operate. Fed up with ultra-complex FMCs Confused by over-serious systems. Or are you new to modern airliner operations? If the answer to any of these is YES, then the F-Lite range is for you! A high-quality model design is coupled to very high-quality textures, animations and super flight model characteristics - and all at an affordable price. You can admire your aircraft, then jump in and fly the world's long-distance routes without having to go to college to learn how to do it.