Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset (PS4)

Release Date: June 5, 2018
Regular price £6.68 inc. VAT
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  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset builds on ESO's Chapter structure introduced last year with ESO: Morrowind
  • Chapters deliver massive amounts of new content and features that are equally accessible and fun for both existing and new ESO players
  • New players can jump right into The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset and start a character in a fresh tutorial and starter area, without needing to play previous ESO content
  • Since the original base game is included with The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, new players also have access to hundreds of hours of additional adventures throughout Tamriel
  • New players get immediate access to the full base game with any Summerset digital pre-purchase
  • ESO veterans will be able to upgrade and take their existing hero to Summerset to begin new adventures
  • No matter their level, existing characters will find level-appropriate content from the moment they step into Summerset